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Friday, May 22, 2009

Let's b:blunt

Mulain asks are you hiding behind your hair?
Photo: Arjun Mark / Make-up & Hair Design fat mu

Mulain was 'appy to see his fellow MU with a fabulous new hair-do. Virginia had her hair cut today by the fabulously, talented Adhuna from b:blunt.......she cleverly and deftly snipped away her tired, Bombay-withered locks to achieve a sexy bob with an edge. Today my friends I am simply underlining to you the importance of you and your hair.

The power of hair - amazing what you can do - use imagination my friends! Mulain x
Photo: Arjun Mark / Make-up & Hair Design fat mu

Make-up and hair do not work in isolation - certainly not! No use getting your make-up right if your hair is terri-ble. And ladies - we know you hang onto your length as it feels safe....but ask yourself honestly ....what is it doing for you? Are you hiding behind it?...... Face your fears and get a style that suits you!.....Let the confident you inside break out......as my dear friend Hubert de Givenchy said..."Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself". Think about it people ....C'est vrai!

"Get inspired I say" - Mulain x
Photo: Arjun Mark / Hair & Make-up Design fat mu

Mulain says if you're getting snipped or styled in London try Adam and his team at Cobella, High Street Ken +44 20 7937 8888. In Mumbai we love Adhuna and her team at b:blunt in town 022 65980370 or Juhu 022 26285309.

Hope you have a hair-raising week-end my darlings - speak soon....

Mulain x

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