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Friday, May 1, 2009

I am a man!

Mulain is in a very good moo-d! Lots of declarations of love and admiration, always puts a spring in le step. But I mu-st clear one teensy-weensy thing up....Je suis un homme! I suppose I may look like a femme fatale to some - ok so I like lipstick (Onyx Aperitif is to die for), Liza Minelli and colourful scarves. Camp I may be lay-deeze and gents but I am pure bull beneath it all..... I assure you. So 'ope that sorts out a few misconceptions that 'ave been flying around and do 'ope I 'ave n't broken too many hearts my dears.

In a slight bad moo-d though - 'alf of zee city did not vote....some said too 'ot! some said too busy....some said 'what's the point?'......too sad for India. People died so we could 'ave this privilege....crazee.....imagine you could not vote...then 'ow would you feel. Tssk, Tssk!

Anyway......in with loov-e out with anger, in with loo-ve out with anger.

'Ope you all have divine plans for le weekend - I am contemplating my plans.....maybe Blue Frog http://www.bluefrog.co.in/ which I always enjoy - great live music and cool people - or should I head to Indigo for a mouth-watering dinner? http://www.foodindigo.com/ - I just loo-ve their Kiwi Margaritas...so refreshing in the 'eat.....A certain Spartan Hollywood actor is in town and I know Monsieur S R Khan is 'aving a party for 'im....Should I go and rub shoulder to shoulder with Tinsel Town - all will be vying to see this man of 300 fame - all the Bollywood gym boys would love 'is physique and will be comparing, flexing.....sounds like too much testostorone for me......maybe I could just stay in with a glass of red wine and my leetle book 'Eat, pray, love'.......three great things for life....food, spiritualitee et l'amour.....Will keep you in zee loop.

Remember people - whatever you do for the next two days - look after your skin! Lots of water....lots of sun-cream and take off your macquillage - tres importante. (Lancome and Shisheido both do fabulous eye make-up removers which take off zee most stubborn of mascaras).

Ok - lecture over - go enjoy and we'll chat soon.

Mulain x

1 comment:

  1. mulain - how dare you stay in with a glass of whine? put on your kit and go to Monsieur's party and trip 300 just for a laugh... no need for maquillage if you're on ze sofa, no?
