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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Are you making history today?

Lady Astor - first woman in British Parliament...Mulain loo-ves her hair..

Mulain is asking...are you making history today? Posting this today to inspire you all.......On this year in history...1st December....Lady Astor got a seat in Parliament 1919, Ford motors introduced their first assembly line, Nagaland became part of India, Paul McCartney is arrested for attempted Arson ?! (random I know but it was the 60s man...anything was cool).....so wonder what is happening today across our global village that will affect the world as we know it?
The fat mu team are hard at work, meetings and arranging shoots....trying to make the world a better, brighter, more creative place.....hope you are too!
One life people...get your asses in gear...get up and go, go, go!
Mulain x

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