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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A woman to be admired...

Madame Kristin Scott Thomas is a woman close to Mulain's heart. Not only beautiful, she has a talent and charisma that is extraordinary. She also lives in Paris, speaks English and French impeccably and is, I think, a fantastic role-model for women all over the world. At 49, she is still getting fantastic roles as an actress...cleverly and probably intuitively working in French cinema not just on the Brit or American scene. She has said that French cinema has offered her great roles....'I've Loved You So Long' being one. Mulain loves the fact that she does not chase the Hollywood route but does it her own way....in Paris....dipping into roles that she likes and raising her family at the same time. Private, cool and chic.....hanging with Charlotte Rampling, Jane Birkin and Juliette Binoche.....she is truly a fat mu muse. She seems not to be vain but recently insisted in an interview with 'The New York Times' that she is, saying and I quote.......‘‘It’s because of my vanity and my pride that I don’t want to have my skin drawn tight across my face, I don’t want to have big lips. Isn’t perfection really about being able to wear your years in a way that is agreeable to look at?’’. Mulain is in total agreement with her.....

Mulain recommends her films 'The English Patient', 'Gosford Park', 'I've Loved You So Long', 'Four Weddings And A Funeral' to start with. A great woman to admire....

Bravo ...Mulain x

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