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Friday, April 30, 2010

Art for make-up artistes....


Andy Warhol does Pop-art....

Gustav Klimt....


Dali and Surrealism.......

THE Mona Lisa....Da Vinci.....legendary and infamous....

India's Dhruvi Acharya.....wonderful talent....


Ajanta cave paintings.....

Art from Japan...

Jackson Pollock.....

Vincent Van Gogh.......Expressionism...

15th century Italian art...Van Eyck...

India's Ravi Verma....

One of the first things we try to introduce in the MU academy is art knowledge...we want to encourage the love of art...understanding of art.....the techniques of art. Art is a little word my friends and is such big subject......under the art umbrella come paintings (as seen above), sculptures, pottery, photography etc etc......and there is a whole wide world out there of it and a huge history.....don't know where to start.....? Try New York's Metropolitan Museum's following link..... www.metmuseum.org/toah/
The most famous paintings in the world today are done by Western, white males.....the Mona Lisa, The Sunflowers, The Kiss..... by going on the link above you can find out about art in any region of the world....plus you can view female artistes too!!! You thought only men were creative? No my friends...open your mind to ALL art and see what you discover.....there is no turning back. Enjoy and explore, notice the shapes, textures, colours, lines, use of light and dark...... and watch how it helps your work.

Mulain is off to the academy....toodle-oo!
M x

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