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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Doll face

Yesterday I went to see Public Enemies with Monsieur Depp... and apart from thinking what a good movie it was and how arresting Monsieur Depp, Monsieur Bale and Madame Cotillard were... I also could not help but notice how pretty all the women looked in the film.. particularly Madame Cotillard... !
The film is set in the 1930's and the look at that time was just oh so feminine and delicate and pretty .. something we could definitely adapt in todays world and move away for a bit from the dark dark eyes into something softer, prettier, more romantique.. just more dolly like you know... and so I am going to suggest to you just how to do that...

The look reads strong blusher and lipstick. Lovely rosy cheeks and red lipstick are the hot favourites...( ..apply with care so as not to end up looking clownish...)... thin beautifully shaped brows (not the typical arched look all our beauty salons are famous for)... lovely soft grays or browns or even a soft gunmental on your lids in a creme or powder form...dark eyeliner on the top lashes only just very close to the lash line to accentuate it and of course mascara... et voila...tres jolie...! oh.. and don't forget to powder your nose...!

Try this to make an impression the next time you step out ladies ...and let me know how much success you have with it...


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