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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Practice makes perfect!

MU-ettes in the academy practicing....

Practice, practice, practice.....

Mulain often gets asked how to be the perfect make-up artist...how long does it take to 'get it'..?Etc etc. There are no answers for this my friends...all Mulain knows is that like everything one has to practice and practice until you can do it blind, backwards or whatever it takes. This may sound depressing for any newcomers out there just starting out....but honestly, realistically it takes time to perfect any skill......and we are always learning so it's a neverending journey my darlings....jump on board if you dare....she/he who dares wins!!! Mulain read Malcolm Gladwell's 'Outliers' recently and in it there is an undercurrent theme of understanding success or the 'successful'.....in all his examples of success from The Beatles to Bill Gates (pretty successful you'll agree?) there is a 10,000 hour rule, or 5 years if you like....basically you have to give your skill time and work at it....it will come!

But it will pay off my friends.....just keep plugging away.......Bill and John and Paul did n't give up and look at them now......read the book, it's great....it 'll open your minds.

Caio for now..... M x

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